Generator About FAQ

I am Bored, What Should I Do?

Whose day just got better? 🀩
Answer four quick questions to generate an idea of what to do when boredom strikes. Whether you're looking for something to do alone or with a group, we've got you covered. Run the generator and let's make this day more fun!

About "I am Bored, What Should I Do"

Welcome to I am Bored, What Should I Do!

We are here to help you find fun and exciting things to do when you’re feeling bored. We use Artificial Intelligence to generate ideas for activities, depending on your answers to a few simple questions. Whether you’re alone, with family, friends, or colleagues, we have something for everyone! Just run the generator and let's have some fun.

Frequently Asked Questions

This website uses AI (Artificial Intelligence) to generate ideas based on your answers. It creates unlimited, unique and free ideas for you.

The generator is very accurate and personalized as AI technology has developed significantly in the past years.

We never store your data such as IP or other information, so yes, it's very safe.

Yes, it's 100% free and unlimited. Awesome, right? 😎 If you love it, you can always buy me a coffee.